How Dogs React To Human Barking? The Reaction Is Pretty Priceless.

Magician Jose Ahonen and comedian and voice actor Rudi Rok decided to see how dogs would react to Rudi’s uncanny barking. Turns out the results are mixed and all dogs are snowflakes!

Rudi is quite the four-legged linguist. After the viral success of a video where he imitated thirty animal sounds, he decided to really put his (kind of weird) mimicry skills to the test.

To human ears, his chirps, tweets, and meows sound indistinguishable from those of their animal counterparts. But what about to canine ears?

Rok set up an experiment where he attempted to make some headway in human-dog communication, solely through barking. Watch the video below for the results: they’re pretty priceless.

This little guy barked right back.

And despite the fact that Noah is a HUGE Great Dane, he immediately got scared and dropped down to the ground.

Tuutikki, though, seemed to finally have the conversation of his dreams.

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