How dogs get older: A fascinating and deeply touching photography project

Amanda Jones has dedicated the past 20 years to an incredible photography project which aims to show just how fleeting the lives of our beloved pets are.

We’ve all had that odd feeling that a lively puppy seems to turn into a fully-grown, wise old dog over night. Some of them barely change at all, others begin to show some signs of age. Dogs in particular age faster than us, of course, and perhaps that’s why the following photos are a bit sad as well as very sweet.

But we can always take comfort in the knowledge that, however old they are, the joy we get from that bond with our best friend never diminishes.

Corbet — 2 years and 11 years

© Dog Years

Briscoe — 1 year and 10 years

© Dog Years

Poppy — 1 year and 7 years

© Dog Years

Fred — 2 years and 10 years

© Dog Years

Cooper — 3 years and 10 years

© Dog Years

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129 thoughts on “How dogs get older: A fascinating and deeply touching photography project

  1. I love my pug more and more each year. She’s 9 1/2 now and she’s really transformed into a senior now. I love she get’s more grumpy, her grey hairs, her sleepy eyes and the way every movement is slower and more careful. I can’t believe people think young dogs are superior to senior.

  2. Not that sad ….. I’ve loved every minute of every day watching my baby’s get older, they were beautiful then and beautiful now, and will be my loves till the day they cross that rainbow bridge…

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