Horse Whisperer Saves A Nervous Pony Scheduled To Die And Trains Him To Become A World Champion

Bear, a pony from Exmoor, UK is terrified of humans and was going to be put down. Bear developed trust issues when he was younger after someone had branded him all over his back, shoulders, and rump.

He had terrible burns all over his body, and he only saw humans as evil and untrustworthy. That is until he met a horse whisperer named Dawn Westcott.

Dawn gave him a second chance. With a lot (a lot) of training and an incredible amount of trust, Dawn has turned Bear into a world champion! He won the International Horse Agility World Championships!

In the video below, you will see Dawn and Bear in action. It is amazing to see Bear now knowing that he experienced such pain and didn’t trust humans.

Check out the video below! …and SHARE this with your friends and family!

And to think he was about to be put down. Dawn has an amazing talent, and she showed the world that Bear is a talented and deserved a second chance. Share away, people!

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