Frozen With Fear, Dog Won’t Budge For Rescuers. 3 Minutes Later, He Can’t Stop Celebrating His New Life!

Los Angeles is overrun by homeless dogs and cats, living on the streets because they were either dumped or ran away. Some have been strays their whole lives due to overpopulation, either because owners refuse to spay or neuter their pets or don’t take advantage of their town’s spay/neuter programs.

Luckily, there are rescue groups that work tirelessly to ensure as many animals get safely off the streets as possible. Hope For Paws willingly goes to dangerous locations to save animals that are often forgotten about or ignored.

A dog, later named Odin, was living on a construction site. He was surrounded by a maze of dangerous ditches. A neighbor called Hope For Paws for help, knowing Odin would be a challenge to get to safety.

When Eldad and Loretta arrive on the scene, it’s obvious that Odin is very scared. In fact, he is so paralyzed with fear, he refuses to stand up or even run from his rescuers.

But like they often do, Hope For Paws has a plan! Equipped with a gate to block off any potential escape routes, they feed him yummy cheeseburgers to keep him calm and distracted. As Odin’s rescuers get closer, they use the famous red leash to place around his neck. But he still refuses to budge.

The neighbor that had called Hope For Paws, comes outside to help place Odin into a large, safe cage to transport to the animal hospital. But getting him inside won’t be easy!

After Odin’s ordeal, and who knows how many days living in the dirt, he gets the best gift of all! His happiness is uncanny! He’s unrecognizable! Hope For Paws saved another pup, changing the course of Odin’s life and the course of his family’s. HOORAY!

Photos courtesy of Hope For Paws, YouTube

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