Hikers Rescue Starving Dog Trapped For 6 Weeks On A Mountain

It's been just a few days since she was rescued, but the dog is quickly recovering. For Smith, whose commitment to help made it all possible, the reunion has made it all worthwhile.

“I am overwhelmed with joy seeing sweet Chloe back with her loving family, already gaining lots of weight, and progressing so fast,” Smith said. “She has more fight in her than most of us could ever imagine, lasting six whole weeks in such harsh, inhospitable conditions.”

Trinity Smith

Smith and Nichols recently paid a visit to Chloe and her family to see her in that healthier state.

Trinity Smith

Trinity Smith

It will still take time for Chloe to fully recover, to be sure, but things would have been drastically different had she not been found when she was. The first snows have since begun to fall on Mt. Bross, from which she would have had no refuge.

Instead, thanks to Smith and Nichols' dedication, she's once again surrounded by warmth and love.

Watch the video covering this miraculous story of survival below!

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