Hero Dog Leaps In Front Of Girl To Save Her Life And Is Bitten Three Times By A Rattlesnake

A rescue dog’s loyalty knows no bounds. They are hands down the most loyal and selfless dogs to have. And why wouldn’t they be? Their human saved them and changed their life! Given the opportunity, they would sacrifice everything to return the favor. Just like Haus the German Shepherd did for his 7-year old human and her grandmother when he stood between them and a deadly Rattlesnake.




Having grown up in Florida, I am no stranger to Rattlesnakes. They come out of nowhere, and they are deadly. It’s something you just don’t think will happen to you or your family, but it can. Luckily for the DeLuca family, they had Haus. His unwavering loyalty to protect the ones who once saved him saved two lives when he leaped in front of his family and took three lethal bites from an Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake.




Haus was immediately rushed to the animal hospital where he was hospitalized and treated for Rattlesnake venom. What most people don’t know is that this treatment is very expensive. For the DeLucas it ran upwards of $9,000. But an outpouring of donations from the Tampa Bay community paid for all of their vet bills when their Go Fund Me reached over $50,000.




It’s an incredible story that reminds us that not only are dogs capable of selflessness but so are complete strangers. As remarkable as this story is it does not surprise me. I always tell people if you’re ready for a dog, adopt a rescue. They will make the greatest addition to your family. They will love, serve and protect you at every turn.




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