Old dog was chained for 14 years. Then old man arrives and changes her life

When people are asked to explain the meaning of kind, you’ll often hear responses that talk about how selfless, compassionate, and giving a person it. People will say kind people go above and beyond themselves to help others, even when it’s at their own expense at times.

Thayne Hamilton and his late wife, Christine, perfectly exemplify this description of kindness. Over the past 12 years, the duo has rescued over forty elderly dogs from kill shelters all across the country. After caring for so many dogs that have gone through neglect and abuse, Thayne understands just how much love an old dog can give.

Thayne and Christine founded the Grey Muzzle Rescue & Sanctuary in Orcas Island, Washington, in order to give elderly dogs a second chance at life.

One of the rescued dogs they have saved is Lilla. She had previously been chained up for 14 years. When she arrived, she was in terrible condition and her legs were essentially glued to her body. Thayne was undeterred and helped her move around with a wheelbarrow.

In 2013, Christine passed away from terminal illness, but before she did, she made the kindest and most loving gesture possible. Take a look below.

Please SHARE this video with others and help spread the word about Thayne’s incredible mission to save senior dogs.

124 thoughts on “Old dog was chained for 14 years. Then old man arrives and changes her life

  1. You are Angels & Heroes!
    Thank you for your Compassion & Loving Souls! Thank you for Past, Present & Future Rescues!
    I am humbled by your actions & your Pure souls!!
    My prayers are with you, you’re Amazingly Wonderful!

  2. They need kill shelters for the people who abuse these animals.thet are worthless pieces of trash. A animal has a life has feelings. If you can abuse a poor animal then we should have the right to abuse you or kill you.i would not hesitate to to do it if i found someone abusing a animal.give them a taste of their own.see how they like it

  3. So moving. What a wonderful man! And the pet store owner with that amazing donation!! Absolutely inspiring! Thank you for highlighting such amazing and caring people. They make the world a better place!

  4. I would suggest that if you have a chance to read the story on this guy and go to facebook and look up Grey Muzzel Rescue, it is an amazing story and I warn you will bring tears to your eyes with the kindness this man has. Please donate as I did.

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