Woman’s Boyfriend Beats Her Pup To Death Because Pooch Chewed His Headset

A woman in Great Falls, Montana received a terrifying phone call recently and her boyfriend is now in jail.

The woman left work after learning her puppy was chewing on her boyfriend’s headphones and that he was going to allegedly kill the animal as punishment.

When she returned to work later, she told a co-worker her puppy was taken to the vet and that the animal was dead.

The coworker wound up speaking to the Great Falls Police Department because the woman with the dead puppy was not comfortable speaking to them.

Source: Hanny Naibaho/Unsplash

Despite attempts to revive the puppy, she had blood coming from her ears and nose, and attempts to save her life were unsuccessful. A necropsy on the body revealed a broken rib and punctured lung.

Police questioned the woman’s boyfriend, 26-year-old Austin Corey Pierson. He told police that upon returning home for lunch, the pup, named Sadie, was chewing on his brand new XBOX headset.

Source: Voice For Us/Facebook

This behavior allegedly made Pierson angry so he kicked the puppy and hit her with the headset, thus breaking it. Later, police were told he felt “awful about it.”

He was arrested on two counts of aggravated animal cruelty. We extend our condolences on the loss of this innocent puppy.

H/T: KHQ Q6 News

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