Girl Saves Senior Pug Left To Die In Garbage Bag

It's just heartbreaking to see these kind of news where the dogs get neglected and abandoned… but when we see ordinary people, let alone a 12-year-old girl, go out of their way to save dogs in need, our faith in humanity somewhat gets restored… Here's the story:

Buffalo Pug and Small Breed Rescue in upstate New York is taking care of a sweet old Pug named Teddy after he was found tied up in a garbage bag and abandoned on the side of the road. Twelve-year-old Malory Steiner saw someone in a dark-colored SUV throw a trash bag out of the car, and was shocked to find the plastic bag still moving.

They notified authorities and Teddy was quickly taken to the vet. The poor little Pug broke his tail when he was tossed, but Teddy is also suffering even worse injuries after being very obviously neglected for a long time.

Check out the video on the next page to learn more about Teddy’s heartless abandonment, and the young girl who came to his fortuitous rescue here:

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1,885 thoughts on “Girl Saves Senior Pug Left To Die In Garbage Bag

  1. I’m outraged! People are capable of the most disgusting acts! Shame!!! I am not a violent person but if I had 5 min alone with whoever did this…I’m sure I could come up with something equally disgusting!!

  2. I doubt it, but it would nice if she was chipped. Stories like this really make me hate most people. Our pets trust us and rely on us like us for everything. For their owner to have done this to her. She’s no longer the cute little puppy, or energetic young dog so they put her out with the trash. Disgusting.

  3. My pug is 16yrs old and could not imagine such an inhumane act. But thankfully for wonderful souls like this young girl whom should be applauded not only in her kind act but that she is aware of how animals should be treated.

  4. this make me sick! why , why do we have people out there like this.i pray you go to hell! i also would like to thank this woman for giving this poor pup a chance to finish out his or her life.i have tears in my eyes and in my heart!

  5. Read this story before and it makes me sick to my stomach. Why the hell would anyone do something like this?! If you can’t take care of your little furbaby don’t get into it. This is a life we’re talking about here. These people don’t deserve a better fate than to get thrown out in a garbage bag themselves. That cute little puppy was lucky there was someone around to witness this act of idiocy. Someone with her heart in the right place.

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