When This Family Got A Doberman, Mom And Dad Never Expected THIS To Happen To Their Daughter

When most people think of giant dogs, they tend not to think of how cute or adorable those dogs are. Instead, feelings of fear come to mind. Big dogs have a misconception about them. Most people think of them as aggressive, territorial, and definitely not safe around children.

But this duo will prove everyone wrong. This giant Doberman proves that even the biggest dogs can have the softest hearts.


Three-year-old Siena and her two-year-old Doberman best friend, Buddha, are the cutest friends, ever. They are practically inseparable, and they do just about everything together.

The best part? The wouldn’t want it any other way.


Even though Dobermans are often categorized as aggressive, that’s not the case at all with Buddha.

The duo play during the day together, and at night, they like to sleep and cuddle. There hardly is ever a moment when Siena wakes up without having her giant dog by herself.


They even like to practice yoga together. Can you guess what Buddha’s favorite position is?

Downward dog!


Wherever Siena goes, Buddha is sure to follow.


When it’s time to practice the piano, Buddha helps Siena out by making sure she never misses a key.


The two never pass up on an opportunity to play outside. It’s best for large breed dogs like Dobermans to get at least an hour of exercise. For Buddha, he never has to worry about this because Siena is full of energy.

Here they are playing on the local playground.


Buddha also is a model. He loves to be the subject of Mom’s photos. Here he is posing on the beach!


Because they spent so much time together, the duo has started to pick up on each other’s mannerisms and habits. Can you tell who is copying who?


Buddha doesn’t even mind Siena jumping into his bed. In fact, he loves hearing a nice bedtime story.


When they wake up, it’s right back to fun and games!


Sometimes they like to dress up and role play. Here they are working their own rendition of Cinderella.


Buddha even lets Siena practice painting his nails.


After a long day of play, it’s time to hit the hay.


And what’s better than cuddling with your best friend in the whole wide world?


Aren’t these two just the cutest? They will wake up tomorrow and do their whole play routine al over again. What they share is truly precious, and I truly believe every child deserves a best friend like Buddha!

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More: Fascinating Facts Most People Don’t Know About Dobermans

171 thoughts on “When This Family Got A Doberman, Mom And Dad Never Expected THIS To Happen To Their Daughter

  1. I have had a doberman as a family member for 40 years. I love and respect these beautiful animals. I do disagree with the desire to breed them to be larger than they were meant to be. True doberman lovers will protect the breed and not encourage the backyard breeding of the Mega doberman.

  2. I had four Dobermans, two red and two black, one stole a huge rib eye off my son in law plate in front of the TV. grabbed the steak so fast, then finished eating his dinner. First time they met. Cliff learned to love Rufus and vice

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