Man Taped-Up His Muzzle To Quiet Him During Slaughter, Dog Attempted To Run

A local rescue group received a call about a dog spotted by himself, with duct tape around his snout. The poor pup couldn’t eat or drink.

If someone didn’t come quickly, he’d have no chance of surviving. The person who found him, and called the rescuers, said there was a slaughterhouse nearby.

In other parts of the world, canine slaughterhouses operate illegally. The animals are treated cruelly and this dog’s escape is a miracle.

The dog is understandably afraid of people. It takes rescuers, with the help of locals, most of the day to catch him.

Source: STRAY PAWS/Youtube

Because he’s so afraid, the dog exhibits some aggressive behavior. But it’s reactive to his circumstances and the rescuers understand.

As rescuers get ready to take the dog, a kind woman walks over and offers money for his care. This woman understands what this poor dog has been through and wants to help.

Source: STRAY PAWS/Youtube

The pup’s face is badly injured. How anyone could be this cruel is beyond our scope of understanding!  

Amazingly, despite his bad facial deformity, the vet is certain he will still be able to eat and drink… and the doctor is right!

Even though he’s experiencing discomfort, he’s so hungry and devours his first good meal.

Source: STRAY PAWS/Youtube

The vet administers antibiotics and IV fluids. He also has to be vaccinated and neutered. He’s such a trooper once he realizes he’s safe.

All he has known is trauma and cruelty. To him, humans were the enemy. Now he’s learning it’s the exact opposite 99% of the time.

The brave dog makes friends with another rescue pup which helps boost his spirits. After two weeks at the clinic, the dog, now named Gia, is ready to go home with his new foster mom!

And the best news comes next! Social media really is a blessing. The rescuers share Gia’s story on their Facebook page and a family from the U.S. comes forward wanting to adopt Gia.

Source: STRAY PAWS/Youtube

His new family is not at all fazed by what he looks like. They know he’s beautiful inside and out! It’ll be expensive to get him to the states but Gia is so worth it!

The rescuers and his new foster mom work with him so he understands what it’s like to live inside a home. He’s going to make a terrific new family member and be treated like the king he is!
Source: STRAY PAWS/Youtube

It’s stories like this one that continues to inspire us. While cruelty and heartache happen every day, there are still so many good people in the world that volunteer their time and effort to help animals in need.

Gia will now live his happily ever after. His bad days will forever be a thing of the past! To see his rescue, click play below. Thank you, rescuers!

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