Frozen Cat Revived By Vets After She Is Found Buried In Snow Bank

Frozen Cat Revived By Vets After She Is Found Buried In Snow Bank

A cat named Fluffy is proving that cats really do have nine lives after she was found “essentially frozen” but survived.

Fluffy nearly froze to death after she was found in a snowbank covered with ice and clumps of snow. But thanks to her quick-acting owners and veterinarians she was up and alert just hours later.

Dr. Clark related that Fluffy’s owners came home on Thursday night and noticed Fluffy not moving.

“She’s crouched down looking like she’s hunting something or something’s in the snow bank,” Clark told KFSY. “And then they realized, oh my gosh, she’s not moving.”

They rushed Fluffy to the Animal Clinic of Kalispell in Montana, where Dr. Jevon Clark set to work to try and revive the unresponsive cat, whose body temperature didn’t even register on their thermometers.

Thankfully, after removing the ice chunks from her fur, she began to move and she was transported to an emergency clinic that helped raise her body temperature. She was back home that same night after being revived.

Dr. Clark said that Fluffy has always lived outdoors. Her owners actually inherited her with the house after moving in and finding her living in the backyard, according to Clark. He told the news channel that the owners are not to blame for Fluffy’s predicament. He suspects something accidental happened while they were not around. “Either something fell on her or she fell or something chased her and she got injured…. She couldn’t get back to her normal little hiding spots that she goes to.”

Clark did say that after the scare, Fluffy’s owners will try and keep the outdoor cat inside during the cold snap.

The vet later shared pictures of Fluffy on Facebook. The Animal Clinic wrote that it was an “amazing success and survival story from this week.”

“Some clients found their injured cat buried in snow. They brought her to us essentially frozen and unresponsive. Her temperature was very low but after many hours she recovered and is now completely normal. Fluffy is amazing.”

The post has gone viral with many people relieved the cat is okay.

“This is a miracle with some quick thinking on the part of her ‘parents’ and this wonderful vet! This outdoor cat has certainly used up one of her nine lives! She is so lucky that she found such amazing care. LOVE this story,” wrote one person.

“Poor little kitty! Thank goodness someone found her! She’s beautiful,” wrote another.

Said one: “It really is true that with hypothermia they aren’t dead until they are warm and dead. Excellent save! So glad the veterinarians and technicians and the owner worked hard to save this cat!”

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