French Bulldog Puppy Stuns Her Humans… Hear What She Said To Them!

It's usually parrots that have the reputation for repeating what their owners say to them, but this time it's a cute, little pup wrapped in clothes that tells its owner he loves her.

Just like their human owners, dogs like to talk. They usually talk by barking. They use different pitches and/or volumes to express their level of emotion.

There has been a ton of debate over whether dogs can imitate the sounds of their humans and actually talk. Well, I’m not any kind of expert when it comes to vocalization, but I do have ears and I will say that this little one sure sounds like she’s trying to speak or at least mimic what she hears!

Whether she is doing what her human thinks she is, or not, she still is such a cutie and dressed to impress. Just look at her little sweater! Awwww!

Check out the adorable French Bulldog puppy express herself on the next page:

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