Here's the video of the adorable Boxer trying to tell her human how much she appreciates them putting a warm blanket around her!
Not only does she make whining/grunting noises in her attempt to talk, but her mouth also moves much like a human's would when they're talking! So cute!
Check out the adorable video below! …and SHARE to spread a smile! 🙂
Check out these awesome DIY projects for dog lovers that will make your life easier and your dog much happier! =>
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Ethan Painter
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Could Bill do that?
Darek Skii
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Lauren watch this!
Dusty Ferrell
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My boy loves his bed
Angela James
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Megan Mays
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Ooooh cuteness!
Andraya Gianoni
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Shes so cute! It sounds like shes saying shes warm….
Deborah Straley
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Too cute!
Adam Clayton
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Freya Jupe
Terry Cain
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AWWWW looks just like our Harley boy.
Jason Banks
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Rosanne Banks
Jason White
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Click bait? Naaaa
Sergio Barrientes Barrientes
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Very sweet. Dogs are so smart and lovable
Ann Kozlowski-Lyczynski
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I love boxers
Ann Kozlowski-Lyczynski
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I love my boxers
Katie Cane
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Brian Lytwyn
Cate Gigliello
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Delores Dahlquist-Gigliello she looks just like lady!
Delores Dahlquist-Gigliello
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Remember when we told her to go to bed and she stuck her head under the blanket? Like we couldn’t see her body, lol!
Delores Dahlquist-Gigliello
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Me too Cate, me too. How is Teas doing?
Delores Dahlquist-Gigliello
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Tess – stupid auto-correct!
Cate Gigliello
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Delores Dahlquist-Gigliello she’s fine now just more aware of everything
Delores Dahlquist-Gigliello
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Ian Scott
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Cine Paul
Barbara Campbell
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She is so cute.
Ian Scott
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When the heat is working, yeah.
Mandy Taylor
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Michael Taylor
Coen Romme
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Britt Poppema
Britt Poppema
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Haha lief 🙂
Aliese Jacobsen
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I love it when our boxer talks like that! So sweet!
Claire Milner Pearson
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Chloe Marie Pearson
Janice Quade
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Stephen Guinn
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She’s beautiful! So looks so much like my baby Ginger did!
Michael Knabenbauer
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Perfect little girl
Paige Aaron
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My boxer boy joined in.
Margaret Hardiman
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How adorable so beautiful Boxers are so intelligent and wonderful to have bless them all
Christine Madderson
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What a beauty
Melissa Dupre Ledet
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She’s beautiful!
Sandra Dickmeyer
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Some boxers talk, but this one also SINGS!
Norma Padilla
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Should be in a warm bed
Sue Grayson
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Thank you
Christine Madderson
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Gorgeous baby so vocal
Linda Marie Cejka
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Mine talk bak to me sometimes. But he sings to. Love it when they communicate back to us. Gotta lovem.
Susan Trexler
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Paul Casart
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Boxers can and do get a bit chatty. I love them!
Jackie Guise
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So adorable
Cindy Leblanc
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Boxers are very good at letting you know how they feel or what they want!
Val Hyland
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Just love boxer talk