Seemingly Harmless Foods That Could Seriously Hurt Your Dog

Finally, always remember: if your dog does eat one of these forbidden foods by mistake, the best thing to do is call your vet as soon as possible.

Asking a medical professional is the surest way to keep your dog safe. If you need to take him to the emergency room, it’s better to do it after consulting a vet, and to do it as soon as possible. There’s no time to waste when it comes to your best friend, right? We sure think so!


I had no idea about some of these foods, but I’m glad I know now! Make sure to share this important info with your dog-owner friends!

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7 thoughts on “Seemingly Harmless Foods That Could Seriously Hurt Your Dog

  1. Start with anything from China – especially dog treats, rawhide, and toys… Dogs don’t mean anything to them and they add unneeded chemicals to everything DISASTER…

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