The DC Fire and EMS were called to a fire in the basement of a two-story house in Washington, D.C. last Tuesday.
While the four residents evacuated by the time firefighters arrived at the scene, there were still six dogs trapped inside the burning home.
Vito Maggiolo, a public information officer with the department, told CBS News that the first thing they do when they search a building is looking for not just people who could be trapped, but animals as well.
“Animals are part of people’s families,” she said. “They’re often very precious to them.”
Firemen saved five of the dogs before they realized there was a sixth one still inside. A firefighter then found the dog, lying unconscious under a table. He carried him outside to safety and worked alongside the other firefighters to revive him.
They gave him oxygen and water to help cool him down and were thankfully able to save his life.
The dogs were then taken to a nearby animal rescue organization to be further examined by a vet.
The cause of the fire is currently being investigated, but the home’s smoke alarms were not operable, so the outcome could’ve been much worse.
Watch the rescue in the video below:
H/T to CBS News.