It Was a Quiet Day Until Out Of Nowhere You Hear “JESUS CHRIST”!

The screams of “Fenton! Fenton! Fentoooon!!!” can be heard long before Fenton actually shows up. But when he does, you’ll know why his owner was so upset.

It looks like Fenton the Labrador Retriever decided to chase a whole herd of red deer! No wonder he gets a “Jesus Christ!” from the poor, harassed guy who has to chase after him.


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148 thoughts on “It Was a Quiet Day Until Out Of Nowhere You Hear “JESUS CHRIST”!

  1. LMAO reminds me of my basset hound Abigail, ABIGAAAaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillll!!! I would scream as I chased after her, her nose to the ground as she followed a scent she picked up, that dog was so BAD when I rescued her, no manners at all!!

  2. 3 night in my house in upstate Ny and a deer runs through the yard with Floppy hot on his heels. I tried following him into the woods but got lost. When I found my way home, he was standing in the driveway. I was so grateful he was home safe, that I wasn’t even mad.

  3. This site is about the love of animals that humans have for each other, not the kind of talk that is obscene and blasphemous by many who love animals and respect the ONE who created them in the first place!

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