Fake Service Dogs Pose Threat To People With Real Need For Service Dogs

It is understandable that people like to take their adorable pets everywhere, but the rise in the number of cases where people are passing off their pets as “service animals” to enjoy various entrance-related perks available to them, is simply despicable.

Source: petpalstv/YouTube

Service dogs are trained for long periods of time to assist with the special needs of their prospective owners. They are very submissive, and never bark aggressively, nor get distracted by their surroundings. Unfortunately, it has become very easy to lie and procure IDs and vests for fake service dogs online.

Business owners only have the right to ask about the dog’s status as a service dog and the kind of service he provides. This ambiguity, coupled with a general lack of public understanding of the American Disabilities Act, makes it easier for the law-defying people to lie and get their way.

Source: petpalstv/YouTube

Fake service dogs pose a threat to the public, disabled handlers, and their legitimate service dogs. They negatively impact the acceptance of service dogs in business avenues. We hope pet owners realize the consequences of such illegitimate actions, and not infringe upon the rights of people who truly need service dogs.

Check out the video below to watch this issue of the alarming rise in fake service dogs, and see if you can tell the difference between a real and a fake service dog.

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