During A Storm, A Toddler Cuddles A Golden Retriever

Many dogs are afraid of loud sounds including the noise of a thunderstorm. Pups don’t understand what the sound is and they just want it to go away.

Some dogs hide behind chairs, under a bed, or even in a laundry room or bathtub trying to escape the sounds.

One of these pups has gone viral, as he tried to get away during the thunderstorm and find a safe place to hide in his owner’s house.

When the owner went looking for the Golden Retriever, there he was inside the laundry room curled up by the dryer.

This petrified pooch wasn’t alone, as a sweet toddler decided to comfort the animal. The child is seen wearing a diaper and sitting right next to his furry friend. He cuddles him, pats him, gives him hugs, and provides comforting words.

The precious one-minute video was shared on Twitter where dog lovers rejoiced and gushed over the scene.

“Sometimes we adults need lessons from the children,” @blu_audrey23 Tweeted.

“So sweet and beautiful that it made me cry,” @JennyDinVa shared.

You’ve got to see this duo for yourself by pressing play on the video below with the volume on. We are smitten!

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