Duncan Lou Who, The Two-Legged Boxer ‘s First Trip to the Beach!!

World famous and inspirational Duncan Lou Who the two legged boxer puppy goes to the beach for the first time, along with Mane (featured in Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair and The Shake Book), Rou, Ducky and Miso.

Duncan was born with severely deformed rear legs that had to be removed. He has a wheel chair, but can't stand to use it.

This day, he was let free to walk on his two legs on the beach!

There is some slow motion in this video, but NONE of the video has been sped up (this gives you an idea of how fast Duncan really is).

Watch Duncan have a blast at the beach in the short video clip on the next page:

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245 thoughts on “Duncan Lou Who, The Two-Legged Boxer ‘s First Trip to the Beach!!

  1. Awesome spirit! Our Boxer, Max is having issues with his hip and back leg! Her can’t stand on it! Don’t know what else to so for him! Vet is no help as it costs SDI much and says to give him two asperin a day! Boxers are known for hip and leg problems! Would like tyi build him some sort if walker with wheels! If anyone has any ideas we sure would appreciate it!

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