Doug The Pug’s Owner Reveals How To Build A Brand On Social Media

Are you a Doug the Pug fan? We sure are! For those not in the know, Doug the Pug is one of the most recognizable dogs on social media today.

People refer to him as “the King of Pop Culture.” He's been photographed with Ed Sheeran, kissed by Justin Bieber and he re-created a Kim Kardashian's Sexiest Selfies and Taylor Swift's Instagram Photos.

Doug the Pug has pretty much taken the Internet by storm. He boasts more than 1.5 million followers on Instagram, close to 4 million fans on Facebook, more than 76k followers on Twitter, and the list goes on and on… in other words, he’s quite the celebrity!

You might be wondering… “how the heck did Doug and his owner, Leslie Mosier, the graphic designer, social media mogul and mastermind behind Doug the Pug, pull this amazing feat off?!”

Check out how Leslie went from being an assistant at a record label/management company to quitting her job and becoming a full-time dog momager managing Doug the Pug on the next page!

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144 thoughts on “Doug The Pug’s Owner Reveals How To Build A Brand On Social Media

  1. I do not often post negative comments on public posts. You can guess why that might be. However, I want to share that the “Doug the Pug” page is one of the few pages (perhaps the only page?) I have ever liked/followed and then stopped doing so. I find the owner borders on abusive just for a laugh and apparently for internet fame & fortune. The final post I remember seeing was one in which she wrapped the dog in tin foil. Not funny to me, and it’s not that I don’t have a sense of humor. If anyone else feels uncomfortable with her attempts at humor, please let her know. If you are a pug lover and are not already doing so, I recommend following Minnie and Max the pugs. The owner takes wonderful pictures, has a great sense of humor, and clearly respects his pugs. If you don’t agree, that’s fine. You also have a right to your opinion, but I’m writing mainly in case you’ve felt a little uncomfortable with her posts too. Now, you know you are not alone in your opinion.

  2. I completely agree! Feeding pugs pizza and chips “for a laugh” isn’t acceptable. I had to leave too as I totally respect our pugs and prefer to follow the rules to keep him healthy than feed him crap to kill him.

  3. I don’t think she actually feeds him the things in front of him. I think it’s for a joke. With that said…its just teasing poor Doug. I follow the page and some things are cute but I agree. Some things I’ve seen are a little crazy and idk I just think it’s kind of ridiculous to try so hard to make money off your dog.

  4. Leslie, I truly enjoy what post with Doug, I love that little guy, just as much as I love my pug. I don’t find anything abusive by the pictures you post. I think Doug’s expressions say it for each and every picture. So keep up the great work. Oh and here’s a pic of my guy Ceasar.

  5. I adore pugs! Doug make me smile and laugh every day. I lost my little girl pug a little over a year ago and miss her terribly.. So until I can get another one I get my pug fix from this sweet pug named Doug❤

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