Parents Introduce The New Baby To Their Dogs… And Things Don’t Go As Planned

For many families, the first baby they’ll ever have is the furry, four-legged kind. Your dog becomes a part of the family like it’s your child, and you shower it with attention and love.

But when it’s time to bring a human child into your home, you don’t always know if your dog will react well. After all, it’s time for them to share the spotlight and the affection with something that is completely foreign to them and cries all night!

Here are a few families who experienced this dilemma, and saw some very interesting results…

1. “What is this thing? Why is it so loud? It’s not even cute like a puppy would be. It’s hairless. Ew. And it won’t stop squirming.”


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64 thoughts on “Parents Introduce The New Baby To Their Dogs… And Things Don’t Go As Planned

  1. These are cute, but I always wonder what would happen if the dog were to roll over, or jump up at a sound, or move while dreaming? If the child were to get hurt, who would be punished? The parents for doing such a stupid thing? No. The dog would be, and I’m sure it would be in a terrible way. Stop doing this, please.!!!

  2. Correct, yes your pet needs introduction but not so close to the face. I have always had dogs, a Boston terrier when my son was a baby she never got to sniff his face as a tiny infant. Then I never left him alone with her as he got older. Any dog can nip or bite if scared. Still get nervous over my Doberman licking my 7 year old grandson’s face. He does it so quick as he walks by him.

  3. One time while my back was turned, my 6 month old crawled up to my dog’s food dish. He ended up getting bit on the head, even though the dog had never been food aggressive. I learned the hard way!

  4. Take it easy gang. These dogs will protect this child like it’s one of their own puppies. A little bit of active parenting will protect both baby and dog. I don’t even allow my older children to disturb my Doberman when she is eating….in fact, I don’t disturb her when she is eating. But as soon as she is done eating, she’s ready for kisses and to play ball.

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