Best Friends Cried For Help From The Sewer, Refusing To Leave Each Other’s Side

Two teenagers, Citlaly Rodriguez and Isaac Barajas, heard cries coming from a sewer down in the L.A. River. When they discovered it was two pups, they immediately called Hope For Paws for help. The kids stayed with the dogs until rescuers were able to get there.

Hope For Paws rescuers Eldad and Loreta arrived on the scene and quickly went to find the pups. They slowly approached them and could tell that the dogs were scared, but they allowed them to pet them. They knew that the dogs needed help and that’s exactly what they were going to do!

Loreta put lucky leashes on both dogs and named them Winn and Dixie. Eldad gave them each some treats to gain both of their trust. Both of the teens were still there to assist Eldad and Loreta out of the sewer with the pups.

During the walk to the car, Winn and Dixie began wagging their tails. They were so happy and relieved to finally be rescued from their past. A life on the streets had not been kind to them; they both had eye infections and were covered with hundreds of fleas.

As soon as they got back to their rescue center, they received much-needed medicated baths to rid them of fleas. They also treated them for their eye infections. The dogs were finally clean and looking so much better.

They scanned them for microchips, but unfortunately neither pup had one. It’s unknown exactly how long they were on the streets for, or if they ever even belonged to someone, but it was obvious that these two were the best of friends.

Once they were healthy, they went on to live with a foster at Wags and Walks. Soon after, they found a loving forever home, TOGETHER! These two best friends will not only have a wonderful second chance, but they will get to share it with each other.

Wags and Walks

Winn and Dixie are now spoiled with lots of love and toys and finally get to feel the warmth of a real bed, rather than sleeping on the wet concrete outside.

Watch their rescue and the start to their new life in the video below!

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