He Decides To Take His Own Life, Then Realizes What’s Inside His Dog’s Mouth…

Dog Intuition Story… A young man named Byron sunk into a deep depression after his relationship fell apart. He hit bottom and began contemplating suicide.

After a day of heavy drinking, Byron made a noose and went downstairs to write a goodbye note to his family.

When he returned upstairs, Byron found the noose clenched inside his dog’s mouth. Geo, a six-year-old Rare Welsh Bull Mastiff, had grabbed the noose when Byron left the room and refused to give it back.

The more Byron tried to retrieve the rope, the louder Geo would growl — something gentle Geo hardly ever did.

At first, Byron thought Geo wanted to play — but before he knew it, his dog completely destroyed the noose. Now, Byron says he wouldn’t be alive today if it wasn’t for Geo.

He believes his passive pup had sensed what he was going to do, and wasn’t about to let it happen. It was enough to stop Byron in his tracks and make him want to live.

As Byron works through his depression, he’s now faced with a major blow. Vets recently found an aggressive tumor on Geo’s head, and the cancer is spreading to his muscles and his bones.

Byron has set up an online fundraiser to help pay for Geo’s medical treatment and is coming to terms with the fact he only has a little bit of time left with his faithful dog.

Byron’s Dog Intuition story is going viral, and for good reason. Even though Byron is making sure Geo lives out his last days to the fullest, Byron is grateful that his best friend gave him the greatest gift in return… the gift of life.

Meet these two best friends below, and please SHARE this powerful story with your friends on Facebook!

After experiencing a difficult breakup, Byron fell into a deep depression.

One day, things became so painful that he decided to take his own life. After using a piece of rope to make a noose, Byron went downstairs to write a goodbye letter to his family.

When he returned upstairs, Byron realized his dog, Geo, had the noose inside his mouth and refused to give it back.

Geo, a six-year-old Rare Welsh Bull Mastiff, was normally very passive. Byron was struck by how aggressive Geo was acting — growling and tearing the noose apart.

Byron says he wouldn’t be alive today if it wasn’t for Geo. He believes it was his dog who sensed what he was planning to do, and he wasn’t going to let it happen.

The unexpected interaction made Byron decide to live.

Sadly, vets recently found a tumor on Geo’s head. The cancer is spreading to his muscles and his bones.

Geo saved Byron’s life, and now Byron is working to save Geo’s in return. Byron has set up an online fundraiser to help pay for Geo’s medical treatment. 

Byron’s story is going viral and taking the internet by storm — a story that proves the incredible gifts given to us by dogs during the short time they’re here.

If this story touched your heart, please SHARE it with your friends on Facebook!

105 thoughts on “He Decides To Take His Own Life, Then Realizes What’s Inside His Dog’s Mouth…

  1. just today read on Facebook about a dog that that a tumor. Owner gave it turmeric. I am sure can find on internet where to purchase for your dog. Her dogs tumor has been much improved. Don’t give up hope. If there’s a will, there’s a way.

  2. Well done Geo!!! Gorgeous boy and sorry to hear about your diagnosis.All the best to you both and I know Geo you will live out your days with lots of love and care from Byron. Love and prayers to you both.

  3. I was unable to see the scenario but I can only say animals are the most wonderful unconditional creatures ever I so hope Byron is getting a passage to recovery

  4. Christie Turner , isn’t it sweet how they can be so in tuned to our emotions and just know when we need more love and kisses. My Maizie loved my Dad. He had Parkinson’s Disease, but when Maizie would sit in his lap, his hands would be sooo still it was amazing to watch. They had a special bond. I think Maizie grieved for him right along with me. I realized later I should have taken her to the funeral to say goodbye.

  5. You are a very lucky man to have such a beautiful dog, who helped you through a very bad stage in your life, now the rolls are reversed, so you can now help him through his bad days!!! x

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