Lou was adopted from the shelter. He was very timid and scared, especially of other dogs. The shelter said he had come from an abusive owner, and his broken spirit was very apparent.
So in the summer they decided to take Lou to the Hamptons.
Lou was afraid of other dogs… until he met Buddha.
Can we be friends? 🙂
A friendship is forming.
They started doing everything together, even sunbathing! Lou had never lain out on a lounge chair before.
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Dung Truong
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Em dể thuong quá
Ruth Spencer
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Michelle Eadie
Ana Chacon
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Por el se humano es tan malo con los pobles perritos si ellos solo quieren amor y un lugar a doden los quieran de verdad gracias a la persona q ayudo a este asustado del maltrato q no queria vivir mas los humanos somos los animales este pequeno lo qequiere es AMOR te quiero Lou se Feliz con tu nueva familia bebe
Brittany Kuzniar
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Marcus it’s Ziggy and Rompus!
Glenys Bunting
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Gorgeous boy. Be happy. X
William Teague
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what a heart warming story!
Greg Taylor
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A dog has decided it no longer wants to live? Seriously? This is a suicidal dog?
Jon Mancusso
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So sweet baby
Angela Ortega
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Love lou
Margaret Bransby
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Judith Pszczola Michael
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Margaret Bransby
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That was a sad start but
Im glad the dog isnow with owners that love him
Lupe Bacilio
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Good story
Shannon Langford Joplin
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The beach fixes everything!
Merida Maggiore
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They don’t eat they just lie down you can see it in their eyes my pug wasted away after her brother died. I don’t think it’s funny, you obviously are not an animal person. I feel sorry for you
Alexandria Dobert
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No I am, I just don’t know how you can know a dog wants to die…
Alexandria Dobert
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And you feel sorry for me because why?!
Trudi Elise Lichty
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God bless this precious baby always and forever
Lynne Lahiff
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He or she looks like a whippet. My daschund and my whippet used to run together on my property for hours with my greyhounds!
Charlotte Henry
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Sweet dog
Judy Decker Owens
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so sweet
Rm Mary Pérez
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Jim Kainz
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Hate to see that in a dog as abuse whether animal or human is dibilitating and hard to overcome! Hopefully he’ll recover!
Cammi Lee
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Sweetie god bless you
Kitty Shade
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Wow, I feel sorry for you too. Not enough words to explain it to you and it would be a waste of time anyway.
Alexandria Dobert
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Lol ok kitty
Jocelyne Triganne
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I truly believe that animals have many of the same feelings as humans have, love, sorrow, pain and depression. This dog was lucky to have found a wonderful family that understands that. Beautiful dog.
Frances Thompson
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Lucky baby
Patricia Dunne
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Jean Harvey Dunne
Linda Andrews
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“‘…Depressed and no longer wants to live.'” Isn’t that anthropomorphizing a little TOO much?
Susan Camp
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Gotta love the soul of an Italian greyhound my grand dog is sweet but they are very needy
Irene Reid
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So happy for him. Hope his abusive ownwr got charged.
Maria Moustakas
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Pauvre Loulou
Wendi Macey
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God Bless you Lou and you’re new furever family!!!!! The Hamptons! I’m sooo jeal!
Peneny Martison
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Deborah Keahl
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So sweet. Further proof that they have feeling’s just like us. Man, I wish dogs could talk on
Kathy Villone
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That breaks my heart, nothing like that should ever be.
Pamela Forster
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Mary Doyle
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My heart goes out to that poor dog
Dewayne Johnson
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Thank you Jesus
Bonnie Fay
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Bless him…hope he learns to trust again and have fun.
Kay Wilhelm
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Thank you, people are horrible.
Mary Robinson
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Poor baby
Christine Dauth
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Kerrie Taylor sad but a happy ending I thought you might like this
Kerrie Taylor
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Oh how adorable is Lou
Rachel Lynne
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Same !
Mary Wise
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Penny Raffan
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Wonderful story, he looks a bit sunburnt in the last photo!!! Very pink!!! xx
Mike Craig
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we have a gray female rescue I G and we also had a white English bulldog , the 2 were best of buds , Tater bull would lay on his back and let her pull on his jowls and whatever she wanted to do , if she left , he would go looking for her to play again ! never once tried to bully her !