Dog thrown from roof found alive, still wagging her tail

In a now viral video, a small, scared dog can be seen getting thrown from a roof in Chennai (Madras), India. The slow-motion video captures the exact moment the man, wearing a broad smile, let go. Then you hear a loud “yelp”, followed by silence.

At first, the dog was presumed dead. Not many small animals can survive being thrown off a roof. But not this dog. After searching for and finding her, animal rights activist Karthik Dhandapani confirmed the dog was in fact, alive.


The video showing the dog being thrown from the rooftop was posted online, where it received widespread outrage.

Shravan Krishnan, another animal rights activist, said that when the dog was found she was injured and unable to walk. What shocked Krishnan the most was, despite what happened to her, she was still wagging her tail.

“She was terrified, cowering under a stairwell and urinated when I picked her up. But what broke my heart was that she was still wagging her tail,” Krishnan told BBC news. They decided to name her “Bhadra” which translates from Hindi to “blessed”. (BBC).

The two men responsible for the cruel act have been identified and arrested but then released on bail. They are two students from the Tamil Nadu’s Madha Medical College. Animal activists everywhere are outraged – especially since there is video evidence and a lot of public outrage. They were officially charged with “maiming or injuring” an animal – a crime that carries a maximum jail term of five years. Animal activists are now petitioning for stricter animal cruelty laws. (BBC)

Thankfully, according to Dhandapani’s Twitter, Bhadra is now receiving the medical attention and love she absolutely deserves.

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171 thoughts on “Dog thrown from roof found alive, still wagging her tail

  1. She’s wagging her tail even though she is frightened and in pain as a defense mechanism to ward off and bring down the wall of hatred from a human monster with KINDNESS and LOVE. All animals are innocent beings with unconditional love to give.

  2. I cannot imagine these psychopaths with such blatant disregard for life ever being doctors. They should be kicked out of school and banned from practicing medicine. I am so grateful that this sweet baby survived! Those precious eyes. All they want is love and kindness.

  3. I do not understand why these people have no passion for dogs! These people must be sick in the head. Dogs are the one thing that will stand by no matter what, will not ask for anything but to be by you through it all. With a little food and kindness they will always be there for you. Get real people and be kind to dogs they are our friends so be good to them.

  4. You don’t throw a dog off a roof that is animal abuse and animal cruelty .that must have been a coward and scumbag. And evil And mean and rotten person. I hope they get what they be put in jail and behind bars and throw away the key. This person is very bad. I hate cowards that hurt and abuse dogs and other animals.from a dog lover and animal lover Peggy

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