Dog spots a distressed baby crying. Now watch the dog comfort the baby and stop him from crying

Here's the video of Peanut the Labrador Retriever stopping the distressed newborn baby from crying. This heartwarming moment is probably the beginning of many between Peanut and his baby friend, and the two are sure to share a wonderful friendship in the future.

Check out the video below! …and SHARE this with your friends and family to spread a smile! 🙂

45 thoughts on “Dog spots a distressed baby crying. Now watch the dog comfort the baby and stop him from crying

  1. Umm. No. You’re putting your child and your dog in a bad situation. It’s not cute. We just had a baby killed here in the same situation. A baby’s cry is too close to that of prey. You just don’t know how every dog will react. Be more responsible. Pick up your child and comfort him/her. Do not sit there taking video of what could turn out badly.

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