Dog Returned To The Shelter Twice Wouldn’t Stop Shaking And The Reason Is Heartbreaking

Chewy the dog’s story is a sad one and when Melissa Davis heard about the dog’s plight, she could not get Chewy’s tale out of her mind. The poor pup was experiencing a wide range of ailments, including hair loss and heart worms. Chewy has been through two adoptions and while the second of these adoptions took place just last year, it did not last.

Pet Resource Center volunteers recognized the dog after seeing him in a video that was provided by the good people at Pasco County Animal Services. He was found as a “stray” and even though his owners were contacted as soon as he was found, they did not deem it necessary to stop by and pick him up. Chewy’s experiences had made him very fearful and the dog was unable to reside in his kennel without shaking.

Melissa Davis finally decided to become Chewy’s foster mother and she was initially worried about the prospect of keeping four dogs (in addition to two cats!) in her home at the same time. However, she knew that someone would need to help Chewy if he was going to have any chance at long term survival. There was just something about this dog that she could not ignore.

While there are numerous shelter dog stories that have a sad ending, Melissa became the foster parent that Chewy desperately needed and this story provides us with a happy reminder of the wonderful things that can happen when we take the time to make a difference in the life of an animal who is in need. Melissa was unable to let him go once she got him in her clutches.

Chewy was a perfect angel once he was given the chance to spend time in a more stable environment. According to Melissa, the pup never had an accident of any kind and never chewed up anything he wasn’t supposed to. He was given the chance to participate in the Pit Bull Picture Project, which was designed to show the world the softer side of pit bulls… since they tend to receive a bad rap.

This story needs to be shared in order to raise awareness about the kind and gentle nature of the average pit bull. While these animals are often considered to be aggressive and dangerous, Chewy is living proof that all stereotypes are made to be broken and we wish him and his mother Melissa all of the best going forward.

32 thoughts on “Dog Returned To The Shelter Twice Wouldn’t Stop Shaking And The Reason Is Heartbreaking

  1. There should be shelters for both humans and beasts to rescue them from homelessness. You can teach the people you allow to stay in the shelter to help care for animals a d themselves. They will form attachments. Then make more housing and pro’s to transport them both into. They now will have home and companion for life. It’s not that hard if our government spent money on the poor rather than less important materialistic things that don’t benefit anyone. You can teach these people to do anything to help maintain our infrastructure and be productive members of societies.

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