As they try to rescue a dog in a hot car, the owner approaches and says this…

A woman spotted a dog in a car with all of the windows up and called the police. As they worked to rescue the dog, the owner came out of the store and confronted them. You won’t believe what she had to say…

Spread this around to help make sure people understand the dangers of leaving dogs in hot cars.

NFL Player Shows What It’s Like To Be A Dog Left In A Hot Car. Wow.
Veterinarian Locks Himself In Hot Car To Show What It’s Like For A Dog

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538 thoughts on “As they try to rescue a dog in a hot car, the owner approaches and says this…

  1. Similar story with us, last week. A 14 year old dog stuck in the boot for almost an hour in 28°C. So when I rang the Guards, I told them I was going to smash the window, and to hell with the consequences. At that point the owner returned. He was name and shamed all over fb. Reported to the authorities. He initially saw no wrong in his actions, and was quite aggressive with us. But he saw his error and drove to the Guarda station with the dog, which was taken from him for observation, and rehydration. Thankfully, the dog was fine in the end. However, it still has to be said, that despite the constant warnings, people are STILL doing this. And yes, if caught should be reprimanded.

  2. The owners and people who do this should be locked in a hot car without water until they’re scratching the windows to get out! When will these idiots learn?

  3. What a disappointment. Narrator says”this video should serve as a warning to others”, what is it warning of? The lady got off with no charges! Thank goodness for the lady from the rescue and the officer, but we’re still not doing enough.

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