Dog owner captures last moments with her dying baby. These 10 pictures show what love really is.

For eleven-year-old Hannah, a pit bull terrier-Labrador mix, life was getting harder to live. Suffering from seizures and riddled with arthritis in her hips, loyal, loving Hannah was also enduring side-effects from the medications she was on to control her seizures. While watching Hannah struggle to walk and climb stairs, owner Kyle Amick knew a difficult decision was on the horizon.

“I finally decided that keeping her on the meds was selfish, but keeping her off of them was just as cruel,” Amick stated.

Devastated to see her best friend living in pain, stricken by seizures, with medication that no longer worked, Amick decided to give Hannah one last day of love and pampering. She photographed each step of this beautiful yet heartbreaking final day with Hannah.

The day began with a car ride where Amick wondered if Hannah could sense the sadness in the air. She noted how difficult even the smallest steps were for Hannah.

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125 thoughts on “Dog owner captures last moments with her dying baby. These 10 pictures show what love really is.

  1. Such a heartbreaking time but we need to remember our wonderful memories and that they no longer suffer. My girl groaned when she laid down, no more stairs at nighttime and too big for me to manage to carry, and the night she came over to me and looked up at me and gave a big sigh I knew I had to put my feelings aside and due her justice. I held her face until she passed so I was the last person she saw. The vet said she held on for me and the vet never saw a dog go so peacefully. She too had McDonald’s and loved it. She is with me still, her ashes are on my bureau. I see and talk to her every day like I did for the 15-plus years when she was my buddy. Miss her beyond words and it’s been almost five years. They truly leave paw prints on your heart. Enjoy your memories. I do mine.

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