Dog Living Alone In The Middle Of A Busy Highway Is So Happy To Be Safe Now

Employees of Soul Puppy Rescue were compelled to save a skinny dog who was standing by herself on a congested section of road when they came across her. They soon discovered, however, that it would be difficult to approach close enough to assist.

However, she needed assistance, and we weren’t leaving without her, Soul Dog Rescue posted on Facebook. “She did not want anything to do with us, nor did we have a trap, which would have made life easy.”

The dog, afterward known as Joss by the rescuers, had a serious case of tapeworm and was clearly ill.

On Joss’ stretch of the roadway, the local kettle corn vendor who appeared to be familiar with the dog was the only other living thing they could find.

The seller admitted to the rescuers that Joss was not his, but he had occasionally been feeding her from his kettle corn cart.

She had been there for weeks, he claimed, and he promised to give her some kettle corn when he could, according to Wirth. She was probably kept alive by the kettle corn.

“At first, Josh resisted moving from her position, but she soon complied when Soul Dog lured her in with wet food placed inside their wire box. Wirth added, “She did not want to come with us and did not seem thrilled to be caught.”

Joss was initially resistant to the move, but she warmed to it as she realized that her unplanned relocation came with regular, filling meals.

She was constantly hungry, according to Wirth. I had to restrict her food intake for the first week since she would continuously eat till she felt bloated.

Joss was able to stay in Wirth’s house as she recovered from her ailments in the time between being rescued from the highway and being adopted by a loving family, which was long overdue.

It may have been Joss’ first time ever inside a house, according to Wirth. Going inside was very frightening for her, according to Wirth. She was unaware of what was happening.

For the first several days of her stay, Joss was quite apprehensive and reserved around her foster family, but slowly warmed up to them, according to Wirth.

She began following us around the home at the end of the two weeks, according to Wirth. She would be sitting there, staring at me, just pleased to be there and wanting to be around her people, when I would turn around.

Just a few weeks after discovering what “home” meant with Wirth, Joss—who has since adopted the name Coco—found her forever-people.

The beloved dog that once lived on the highway now lives in a brand-new house specifically for her and the people who love her thanks to the adopting couple, who also just finished a major move.

She is absolutely content and adores living in a house, according to Wirth. Although Wirth misses Coco, she thinks that she is just where she should be.

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