The Internet Is Going Crazy Over Priest’s Reaction To A Stray Dog Crashing His Church Service

Apparently, even dogs need to get their spirituality on. A dog was recently welcomed with open arms into the home of God when he crashed a church service in Brazil.

Father José Geraldo Sobreira was leading mass at the Nossa Senhora das Dores parish when he noticed that his parishioners’ attention became unfocused.

They were all looking at something which he soon realized was a random dog that just walked on into his church.

Source: Facebook Screenshot

The pup wanted to celebrate his faith with some playtime. The dog walked right up to the priest and started to roll around at his feet hoping to get some belly rubs.

Rather than run him out of his church, the priest welcomed the pup.

He just smiled and continue his sermon, even though he had a dog flailing around at his feet. And this dog was doing his very best to distract the priest. While the priest tried to give him a few pats on the head, this dog kept rolling around back and forth.

Source: Facebook Screenshot

He was pulling at the priests robs and trying to hide under them He was even playfully nipping at the priest’s hands. Eventually, the dog tried to play tug of war with the priest’s robes. It looked like he was doing his very best to get the priest to play with him instead of completing the mass.

No one is exactly sure where the dog came from. But some people online had their own opinions.

“Do you know why the dog entered the church The door was open, so is the house of God. Doors always open. Come and enter. Seek to God!” one of the comments read according to a translation.

But some people online are saying that the dog’s visit was divine. He’s been called an “angel with four paws.”

Source: Facebook Screenshot

“The animals in the house of God, welcome angels,” wrote one person on Facebook.

Many people also praised the priest for how he reacted to the dog who interrupted mass.

“Beautiful father! I loved your gesture!” one commenter wrote of Sobreira. “Each day that passes I realize animals are in this world to teach us what pure love is, and that all humans should spread it,” wrote one commenter.

Source: Facebook Screenshot

The video was posted by the Nossa Senhora das Dores parish’s Facebook page where it ended up going viral. I mean, super viral. It has been viewed more than 5.7 million times and was shared more than 80,000 times.

People are going absolutely crazy for this video.

I think, in my humble opinion, that it is our obligation to love even these divine beings, those who mistreat do not have the heart of pure love to understand that these beings, are also our brothers, creation of our bigger,” reads a Google Translation from the comments section.

Source: Facebook Screenshot

Apparently, this isn’t all that uncommon in Brazil. A stray dog also wandered into São José Operário parish in Sorocaba, Brazil. That stray dog was also welcomed by the priest.

Father Wagner Ruivo even gave the dog a blessing.

“I learned that the love of God must reach everyone. Yes, that means everyone,” he told his parishioners.

You can see Father José Geraldo Sobreira and his new friend in the video below.

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Posted by Paróquia Nossa Senhora das Dores on Sunday, June 2, 2019

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