When Kayla Filoon, a student who volunteers as a dog walker at an animal shelter in Philadelphia, saw Russ the pit bull for the first time, she knew there was a special connection between them.
“He came in as a stray, and he was really beat up,” Filoon told The Dodo. “He was missing fur on his tail and ears. He was also terribly skinny.” The 20-year-old woman added: “He was just sitting there calmly, staring at me… And I thought… I need to take him now.”
Filoon knew she needed to act fast, as recently the shelter had to put 15 dogs to sleep. “Any dog had a chance of being put down, especially the ones who were sicker, and Russ was definitely one of them,” said the woman.
So, the next day, she went straight to the shelter and sorted out the adoption papers. “One night I’m sitting there on the chair, doing my homework, and he’s trying to find ways to cuddle with me,” Filoon said. Her friend snapped a photo, put it on social media – and it went viral. “He’s such a love bug, honestly.”
Filoon hopes the photo will inspire others to adopt shelter dogs.
Sheila Lay
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Vickie Smith
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Aww that is so sweet!!
Kathy Shepherd
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Anita-Marie Rainsbury
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Tim Evans our baby Ollie
Sheeba Pets
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Thumbs up!
Karen Portland
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God Bless.
Sook Vanning
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What a sweet boy!!
Maryann Curley
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Colleen Ellis Noddin
Judy Earls
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Thats so loving
Tennille McElroy
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Megan Crump
Kimberly Turner
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So cute
Kyle Loss
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Pitt’s are that way. Devoted.
Vicki Brazeal
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So sweet
Lulu Esparon
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Hbeautiful baby
Aleksandra Brandys
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Ania Niemczyk skojarzyła mi się z Tobą ta dziewczyna 😀
Jenni Douglas
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Beautiful dog and thank you for rescuing her.
Simone Lohse Waters
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Danielle Louise ❤️
Danielle Louise
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Soooo cute!! ❤️
Crystal Hockensmith
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That’s adorable
Helen Perri
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And people say Dogs don’t have emotions.
Danielle Anderson
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Omg look at his face so beautiful xoxo
Gillian Beadman
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He is so cute Sandy I need a dog like this✅
James McCoy
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Allison Breazeale
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I just love seeing postsl like this, priceless
Nikki Newbrander
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Jessica T-Chapin. I saw this and I thought it was you and paisley at first glance hahaha
Ann Francisco
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So gentle and sweet
Paula Caldas
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Iramir B. Neto quero um assim
Elysse Latimer
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Matt Stanford I need my own Russ
Iramir B. Neto
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Aí meu Deus até choro
Eldre Buys
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Cinthya Kayser kyk hoe cute!
Gladys Weaver Bartsch
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Delores Johnson
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That’s so sweet! Tell me dogs aren’t smart.
Candace Farmer
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Awe!! He just wants to be close.
Paul Trebillcock
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Sheikh Shehzad
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Jus Tina
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Roya Mahana if only I could find a dog as needy as I am
Lynda Brownsworth
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So special to have a great and furever home.
Jesse Thomas
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Megan Blondino if that doesn’t look like Nala!
Megan Blondino
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Nala has a twin!!!!!!
Jesse Thomas
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Pupper brother!
Deborah Greenhill
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Georgia Wheatley
Melody Lynn Hutchins
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This is very cute.
Ana Paula
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Joe Cruz
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Justin Corpuz
Anthony Petŕiṥoŕ
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Mike Walshe
Lee Carr
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Nice 2 see that the dog is all ok now and as a good home
Lorraine Irwin
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Woman looks too preoccupied to notice
Dolores Rodriguez
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So awesome
Charmaine Thomas
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What a sweet dog.
Steve Thelander
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I prefer my pug to most people ..