This woman taught her dog an amazing trick that will surely make any dog owner jealous.
In the video below, Mom asks her dog to bark. Then, she progressively asks her dog to bark softer and softer. He follows Mom’s wishes and eventually he ends up whispering at the end. I couldn’t help but laugh at this dog’s adorable barks!
Check out the hilarious video below! …and please SHARE this wonderful dog with your friends and family to spread a smile! 🙂
Letitia Feldman
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David Greenhalgh
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Ngoc Pham
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NamAnh Lu
Julie James Broshears
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Cathy Underwood Calvert
Zednanreh C Jneb
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wow haha
Brian Malone
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Teresa Malone
Sharon Case
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Loved it.
Wayne Tonkin
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Cassie Tonkin can you teach willow
Bonnie Green Meikle
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This is so cute. Make sure that you have your volume on.
Connie McElyea
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Awww common Velvet had this down in 1973… Lisa Evans.
Maureen Rivera
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Barbara Downing Collins
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Ken Wilson
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We had a mini schnauzer that would bark more quietly when we told him to use his indoor voicr
Lisa Evans
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For sure! I even had a cow who would whisper!
Connie McElyea
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Lisa Evans even has a cow who can use its indoor voice!
Carol Morton
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Teresa Abila
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Victor Wong
Em Mc
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Acayla Mcclelland
Vicky Marshall
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Todd Alan
Jeff Walker
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Nicola Leenders
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Nicola Leenders
Johan En Joyce Botha
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Soooooooo cute
Fouad Hanna
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Grace Rihan Hanna Marc Hanna
C ca qu il faut apprendre a fax!!
Grace Rihan Hanna
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Indeed!!! He’s sooo cute <3
Ann Roberts
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Adorable !!
West Coast Bulldogs
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Christopher Wayne Marr
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Arielle, should teach yours to do this!!
James Greenan
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Bodie needs training to do this Trudi Greenan lol xx
Kristy Sanders
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Kelly Veivers
Donna Whitaker
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So cute
Greg Lewis
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Arielle Green
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hahaha i wishh. little$#%&!@*listens so well.
Carol Ross
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Peter Bailey
Srikar Varadaraj
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Millie Nishikawa
Vicky Hooper
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Connor Connor Perkins
Millie Nishikawa
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OMG that is so adorable
Sarah Babbs
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Sarah Ensall Lisa ‘Leesah’ Parr
Jess Clayton
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Sarah Clayton
Eoin O' Kane
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Sarah McCafferty if only we could teach our mutts to do this lol
Irene Wilmont
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So funny and cute
Jacqui Wade
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Paul Wade
Randy Dahlberg
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Katie Durham