Dog Left To Die With A Taped Mouth And Legs Can’t Stop Wiggling His Tail After Being Rescued By Plumbers

It was supposed to be just an ordinary commute to work for plumber Carlos Carillo and his colleague when they saw something unexpected in a ditch off the country road. “We didn’t know he was a dog at first,” Carrillo, an employee of Shoreline Plumbing in Texas, told The Dodo. “We reversed and saw him.” The doggie’s mouth was taped shut and he’d been tied up with tubing. He was clearly left there to die…

Carillo and his friend rushed to cut the pooch free. “He seemed OK,” said Carrillo. “He was very loving and liked the attention. He was probably just there for a day or so.”

The plumbers got the dog into their truck and took him to Peewee’s Pet Adoption, a nearby no-kill shelter. “Look at that face,” wrote Carrillo about how happy the dog seemed to be alive. “He knows he was saved!”

It turned out the dog was in good health despite having heartworms, for which they started a treatment. “His tail won’t stop wagging,” a spokesperson at the Peewee’s Pet Adoption told The Dodo. “He’s such a sweetheart.”

The person who so heartlessly left the dog to die wasn’t found, but at least thanks to the plumbers, the dog got a second chance at life. All he needs now is a loving forever home.

More info: Peewee’s Pet Adoption | Facebook (h/t: thedodo)

Plumber Carlos Carillo was on his way to work when he saw something unexpected

“We didn’t know he was a dog at first… We reversed and saw him”

The little fellow’s mouth was taped shut and he’d been tied up with tubing – he was left to die

The dog couldn’t be happier to be alive and is on the look for a loving forever home now

69 thoughts on “Dog Left To Die With A Taped Mouth And Legs Can’t Stop Wiggling His Tail After Being Rescued By Plumbers

  1. Even if you want to rid yourself of a pet, give him a fighting chance so he can find water and food. Hope your mind keeps telling you how ugly you are for doing something like this. Would you want to be treated like this?

  2. Why not drop the dog off at a shelter , if you are unable to care for him. Taping the mouth and feet is so cruel, it is the very same as murder, nobody wants to be a murderer, do the best for your pet and and take him to a shelter !!

  3. Why oh why would someone do such a thing if people don’t want there dogs give them to a shelter or better still don’t buy a bloody dog make me so mad how people can treat such loving creatures I just hope God I do that karma gets you

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