Great Dane Feels Hurt & Cheated After Chihuahua Cops Out Of “Treat-Sharing” Deal

Everyone who’s grown up with siblings knows how heartbreaking it is when you finish your sweets only to find your sibling still has theirs.

Miles the Chihuahua and Diesel the Great Dane are two doggy siblings who always end up having a hilarious squabble whenever it’s time for treats.


Source: Rumble Viral/YouTube


In this video, we see Diesel’s adorable fit after he realizes that Miles is still holding on to his treat while he finished his! Mom has just distributed treats to her dogs during snack time.

While the large-sized Diesel gobbles up his treat in one go, Miles is seen guarding his treat under his paws. When Diesel is done, his heart sinks as Miles proudly shows-off that he still has his treat!

Right now the poor Diesel feels completely cheated. He calls out on Miles’ fraud and complains to Mom, while Miles just relaxes on the couch with a triumphant smirk.

But Mom is unfazed. She calmly reasons that Diesel has already had his share. Poor Diesel! He feels completely cornered and runs around the room throwing a whiny fit!


Source: Rumble Viral/YouTube


Ultimately, Diesel’s heart-melting mumbling and grumbling is coldly ignored by both Mom and Miles.

Although it might look like Miles and Diesel don’t see eye-to-eye, in reality, both of them are inseparable siblings who always protect each other.

No wonder their sibling banter is so much fun to watch!

Check out the video below to watch Diesel and Miles’ adorable beef over snack time!

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