A Marine Veteran got an early Christmas surprise when his family gave him a puppy. Peter Coukoulis has suffered with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder since his return to civilian life 3 years ago and his mom, Dena, thought getting a dog who could be trained as a service animal would help her son.
In the heartwarming video below, he’s helping his family with Christmas decorations in the kitchen when his family gives him with a festively-wrapped box. The box is slightly open, which is a clue as to what is inside.
He’s unsure why his family is giving him a gift so early, but when he flips the lid a tiny Beagle puppy pops up and looks out. The second he sees the pup, Peter begins to cry, and gently picks up his new friend, gently cradling her to him before giving her a kiss. Dena said of the heartwarming moment, “The puppy has already changed Peter’s life, it has made him happy after a very difficult three years.”
Share this touching moment with your family and friends.
Mary Sydorczuk
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Terry Burnett
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I have never had anything more healing for me than my pups. It is good to see that his family did this.
Lydia Estrada
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So happy to see him perk up when he sees little Willa. I know what dogs have done for my son with PTSD.