It’s All In The Hips! Merengue-Dancing Dog Makes The Perfect Ballroom Partner

Have you ever seen a pooch dominate the dance floor? Let alone dancing the Merengue?!

(just fyi, in case you aren't familiar with what Merengue is… it's a type of music and dance originating in the Dominican Republic which has become one of the most popular genres throughout Latin America and major cities in the United States.)

This super smart and talented golden retriever's dance routines took the internet by storm!… and I'm pretty sure you'll love it too!

Merengue-dancing dog makes the perfect ballroom partner as he elegantly sashays across the dance floor on hind legs!

He jives, twists and turns in perfect tandem during the surprisingly complicated routine with her owner! Donning a glittery dress, the hot-stepping hound doesn't miss a single beat!

Check out this adorable golden retriever's incredible moves on the next page!

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