They Wanted To Have Fun So They Drove Over Her 3-Month-Old Body Hoping She’d Die

We, unfortunately, read stories about heartless individuals who do things we can never understand. Some stories end tragically despite all efforts made. But for this puppy, she would fight so hard to come out on the other side– alive!

Source: He’Art of Rescue/YouTube

A three-month-old stray puppy, named Daisy, was left for dead after some sick individuals drove over her for fun. They left her to die in the middle of the road, with no compassion whatsoever. Thankfully, volunteers called for help and she was brought into a vet clinic.

Source: He’Art of Rescue/YouTube

Daisy suffered significant injuries including three devastating fractures. She was in a lot of pain and would cry out. The rescue group that took her in, He’Art of Rescue, said: DAISY’s body is completely shattered, so is her SOUL.

Source: He’Art of Rescue/YouTube

What a heartbreaking sentiment.

Daisy is unable to walk. She has sensitivity in her limbs but cannot stand up. Daisy was also severely anemic and suffering from multiple infections. But her story didn’t end here!

Source: He’Art of Rescue/YouTube

He’Art of Rescue posted a plea on their YouTube channel with the video below, asking for donations so she can have emergency surgery.

And guess what! Animal lovers around the world rallied together to donate towards her care. Daisy is coming along. She is no longer anemic, and her infections have cleared. She also had her first surgery on her front leg.

Source: He’Art of Rescue/YouTube

She still has a long way to go. Daisy requires more surgery on her hind legs, but the medical team is confident that with time, Daisy’s limbs will heal properly.

Source: He’Art of Rescue/YouTube

The medical team will also work with her and the physical therapist to get her legs moving. Once she builds up strength, and she has her other surgeries, Daisy will be able to put pressure on her limbs. Everyone is confident she will continue to recover, which is a miracle in itself.

Source: He’Art of Rescue/YouTube

He’Art of Rescue posted her latest video, which you can see below. From Daisy’s expressions, we believe she has a long road ahead of her to heal emotionally. We hope the rescue group will focus on that as well. There’s so much pain in her eyes. She’s obviously still traumatized.

Source: He’Art of Rescue/YouTube

We will continue to keep an eye on Daisy’s progress and update you all. Prayers to Daisy and her wonderful care team!

While He’Art of Rescue refers to Daisy as a ‘she’, we also noticed Daisy might be a boy. Oops. But in the scheme of things, all we care about is her well-being and continued healing.

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