Dachshund Gets Lonely In Back Seat Of Car And Lets Her Mom Know It

No one puts Sasha in the back seat! The 3-year-old miniature Dachshund loves going for car rides but hates sitting in her car seat in the back all by herself.

As sad as Sasha is, her human is doing the safe thing! Sasha’s human says the sweet dog isn’t so sad anymore because she has a booster seat and can see out of the window: “She loves her booster seat. A safe, and comfy spot with a blanket for her to take naps and people watch.”

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87 thoughts on “Dachshund Gets Lonely In Back Seat Of Car And Lets Her Mom Know It

  1. Our Emily hates being in backseat, whines, howls, her heart rate goes up. So we got two more doties, yes we did. Them two were likes 6 months old. They must of traveled a lot, with their other owners. Because they get in the back seat, they go to sleep. They all 3 now sleep. We go to camp. They sleep until we get off the highway. Mom rolls her widow down, and all 3 are in front seat. They love camp. They chase the deer that comes to feeders. The deer don’t run at first. They just stare at the three Weenier running at them. Saying u got to be kidding me. Lol

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