Need a smile today? UK retailer John Lewis has outdone itself with an adorable Christmas commercial featuring a wonderful bouncing boxer named Buster, plus a cast of assorted woodland creatures.
This is the story of a little girl called Bridget who loves to bounce.
When her mum and dad buy her a trampoline for Christmas, they soon discover that she isn’t the only one with a passion for jumping.
OMG! This is a must-watch! It’s the only Christmas commercial you need to see this year!
Check out the video on the next page! …and just sit back and enjoy… 😊
Andrew Roe
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Wayne Worthington
Jeannette Mclean
Steve Cdo
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Rachel Blackwell
Wynnie Corbo
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lovely ! like these wiener lovers are going crazy over these color changing mugs > #wienermugssd
Arlene Pavelko
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Kim Pavelko
Bev King
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Fantastic ad, thanks for sharing.
Colleen Sobkowicz
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Love this