Pup Loses Front Legs, Yet Continues To Spread Love Where Ever She Goes

Sometimes we come across a dog so brave and full of optimism, it ends up reviving our own faith in life and love. Cora Rose is one such brave pup who not only survived losing both her front legs, but continues to spread love and joy wherever she goes.

Instagram/Marley’s Mutts

Cora Rose was initially brought into an animal shelter in California with both her front legs broken and her pelvis shattered from a car collision. Her legs were so shattered, the vets suggested putting her to sleep so as to free her from the intense pain she must be going through.

But there was something about her that made the rescuers not want to give up on her. She was one of the bravest pups they had seen. Despite the pain she was in, she was still showing love to the rescuers. They decided to take a chance on her.

Instagram/Marley’s Mutts

Cora Rose’s front legs had to be amputated immediately due to an infection and being broken beyond recovery. With just two legs now, Cora Rose was taken in by a rescue organization named Marley’s Mutts.

Instagram/Marley’s Mutts

There, under the 24-hour care of Zach and Heather Skow, Cora Rose began to show improvement. Showing immense courage, the pup recovered fully and even learned to live life on just two legs. They got her a special wheelchair to lessen her burden, but she’s now equally comfortable to move around with or without a wheelchair.

Instagram/Zach Skow

The most amazing thing out of all this is the immense love and affection Cora Rose still shows to her new family and their pets. She loves playing with the family cat and dogs and even bosses them around sometimes. She touches hearts everywhere she goes. What an inspiration! Go Cora Rose!

Check out the video below to watch the amazing Cora Rose in action!

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#CoraRose could have buckled to the tragedy of losing her legs. Her outlook could have been "how unfortunate am I that I've lost my front legs and can't walk like others?", "how sad is it I was abandoned by my family only to be hit by a car an nearly killed. Instead, her outlook has always been "how wonderful is it that I survived this tragedy and get to participate in life with people who love me?!". I have been feeling down pretty regularly–just part of an emotional depression–but she always helps pull me out and give me perspective. Dogs are medicine, they are teachers, they are guides to a full, fulfilling life, devoid of envy, pity and the burden of a "story". They rewrite their story every day and don't buy into what their story says they're supposed to be like.

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