Video Of Toddler Playing Ball With Labrador Is The Latest Internet Obsession

The lengths some dogs will go to in order to get someone to play ball can be hysterical. One of the cutest examples in recent times was caught on video and became a viral sensation. It involves a child, a ball-crazy dog, and a whole lot of creativity.

When photojournalist Chad Nelson saw his two-year-old son, Conway, playing ball with the neighbor’s Labrador Retriever, Dozer, he immediately started filming.

Source: @CMNelsonPhoto/Twitter

What makes the story so unique is the method by which young Conway engaged the dog: between a big fence separating the yards.

On Twitter, Nelson wrote, “A fence can’t stop my two-year-old from playing with his new best friend.”

Source: @CMNelsonPhoto/Twitter

The kid picks up the ball, lobs it over the fence to the dog, and the dog tosses it back over by standing on his back legs!

This went on for several minutes, with the fast friends having the time of their lives.

Source: @CMNelsonPhoto/Twitter

Nelson told KARE 11 News, “I had Conway throwing a ball at about 2-weeks-old,” he said, with a laugh. “I’d put the ball in his hand when he was laying on his back.”

Watch this most adorable video below guaranteed to make you smile.

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