We’ve all been there – we catch a friend or family member gloriously snoring, and it’s just too tempting not to mess with them. Well, dog parents are no different, but this dad took it to a hilarious new level.
YouTube/Tal Solomon
Comedian Tal Solomon walked in on his dog snoozing on the couch. The dog was in a deep sleep and was blissfully unaware of how loud he was snoring.
Apparently, this dog snores every time he sleeps, and sounds like a chainsaw more often than not. So, Tal decided it was time to give the dog a taste of his own medicine.
YouTube/Tal Solomon
Tal pulls out his phone and begins playing a video of the dog snoring he had recorded earlier. This wakes the dog up immediately, and in a sleepy daze, he looks at the phone and hears his own snoring.
YouTube/Tal Solomon
The pup can’t believe what’s happening. You can almost hear him thinking, “Do I really sound like that when I sleep?” The perplexed look on the dog’s face, combined with his dad’s nod, makes this video beyond hilarious! Poor pup!
Click the video below to watch this cute pup realizing how big of a snorer he is!
If you liked this story then keep reading and the next one will put a smile on your face!
Foster Kitten About To Be Adopted, Their Puppy Protested To Change Their Minds
When a couple from Los Angeles decided to take in three sickly foster kittens, they had no idea that one of those kitties would end up being a permanent part of their family — and would become best friends with their future pup!
After Lauraine and her boyfriend nursed the kittens back to full health, they were ready to be adopted into loving families. Two of the kittens quickly got adopted into forever homes, but one remained. The little tortoiseshell girl was named Lyla and she was patiently waiting to find her new forever home.
About the time Lyla turned five months old, her foster parents decided to adopt a pup named Koda.
Much to Lauraine’s surprise, when two met they instantly became inseparable! The little pair did absolutely everything together, from playing with toys to cuddling up at night and sleeping.
Source: Mr.Koda.Bear / Instagram
Little did the sweet kitten know, but the family Lyla was hoping for was appearing right in front of her eyes! Lyla found herself being a protective older sister to a very spunky little brother.
The feeling was mutual from Koda, as well, as he refused to leave Lyla’s side. They followed each other everywhere they went; it was impossible to find one of the fur babies without the other one being nearby.
Source: Mr.Koda.Bear / Instagram
Seeing how close the two fur babies were, their human parents decided to keep her as part of their family. It would have been too cruel to separate the loving siblings — it seemed that Lyla’s search for a family was over!
Source: Mr.Koda.Bear / Instagram
As Koda grew into the large adult German Shepherd he is, he must have realized at some point he wasn’t Lyla’s feline little brother. He went from thinking he was just another cat to a full-bodied canine bodyguard — but that doesn’t stop Lyla from making sure his hygiene is always kept in check by grooming him throughout the day!
Lyla’s had nurturing instincts that always kept her looking out for Koda; she even made sure to keep him in line for her human parents.
Source: Mr.Koda.Bear / Instagram
The stunning pair have an unusual friendship that has taken the Internet by storm; their parents even made an Instagram account so that the entire world can see just how adorable they are together.
It’s not every day you see a cat and dog become such close friends, but it seems their amazing friendship was definitely meant to be!