Woman Saves Mama Dog From Euthanasia And Comes Up With Another Life-Saving Idea

Deborah Wilson of Circle L. Ranch Animal Rescue & Sanctuary tells the story of a mama dog rescued from euthanasia who was brought in with her two healthy puppies. While they were thrilled about saving this wonderful dog from being put down, they received word of another terrible situation.

Deborah Wilson/Facebook

The Circle L. Ranch was able to rescue five of the nine puppies as the others were saved by another organization.

Deborah Wilson/Facebook

Seeing the Shepherd mother that they saved nursing her pups, Deborah got an idea…

Deborah Wilson/Facebook

She introduced the five puppies one by one, seeing if Mom would take to them. She allowed one to eat and seemed completely fine with it, so the others were brought in.

Deborah Wilson/Facebook

Now with a total of seven puppies to care for, she’s a real mom and a surrogate. It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it! 🙂

Deborah Wilson/Facebook

Deborah is thankful that the abuse was reported immediately so that they could save these precious puppies.

“Thanks to the kindness of rescue folks and social media, these innocent puppies were not drowned. They will be fed, cared for, spayed and neutered and eventually adopted out at the ranch,” she said.

What an amazing mama dog to take in the others as her own. Thanks to her, there’s a happy ending for all! 🙂

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