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Christy is a West Highland Terrier who is obsessed with swimming! She would spend hours swimming in her pool and displaying the most splendid moves to her family. But her heart broke into pieces when she learned that her family was going to move to a new home.
Source: Rumble Viral/YouTube
In this video, we see Christy on her first day in her new home. She is in low spirits and is lazily hanging out with her doggie sibling when Dad calls out to her. Christy is confused when she sees Dad holding a camera. Dad talks about how the poor Christy misses her “old” swimming pool. Then he slowly leads the downcast dog toward the backyard door.
Source: Rumble Viral/YouTube
Christy completely freezes and her eyes sparkle in awe as she stares at the swanky pool in her new home! Unlike her old rectangular pool, this new pool looks bigger and has a cool curvy outline. Dad sees Christy’s inaction and he fears if the pool lives up to her standards. But the dog’s next move gets rid of all his doubts!
Source: Rumble Viral/YouTube
The sprightly little swimmer dog shoots off like a cannonball the moment Dad opens the door leading to the pool! She swims to every corner of the pool and cherishes her brand new pool with a look of satisfaction. What a happy pooch!
Click the video below to watch Christy’s memorable first encounter with her elite new pool!
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