Look What we JUST Discovered about Chihuahuas!

Lively, Devoted, Alert, Quick, Courageous… these are some of the words to describe a typical Chihuahua's temperament.

The Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog and is named for the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. Chihuahuas come in a wide variety of sizes, head shapes, colors, and coat lengths.

Chihuahuas ancestors have been cuddling with their owners as long ago as 9th century AD! These dogs are known for their big hearts, but did you know they have big brains, too? There's also some fascinating information about their history.

Want to know more about the Chihuahuas? Check out the video on the next page!

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134 thoughts on “Look What we JUST Discovered about Chihuahuas!

  1. My chihuahua is 7 years old & 7 lbs. She has a heart condition that got better as she got older-takes no meds. I “rescued” her from an outdoor dog igloo -owners were giving them away-when there was 6” of snow on the ground. She was born there with her brother & sister (who both died bc they weren’t vaccinated) – as the runt of the litter, she was 1.5lbs when I brought her home-she looked like a tiny stuffed toy. Her Mom & Dad were likely sister & brother, but she is perfect. I made her sweaters our of socks & cut arm holes in them. She sleeps with me every night under the covers & is the sweetest, bouncier, most playful & protective tiny dog ever!!!

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