Chicken learns the true nature of the Doberman Pinscher…

Although the Doberman has a reputation as a sharp and even sinister dog, his devoted fans consider him the most loving and loyal of companions. Believe it or not, a good Doberman is a stable, friendly dog — unless you threaten his family.

More: Fascinating Facts Most People Don’t Know About Dobermans

The Doberman who is raised with children and other pets will love and protect them and be a good companion for kids. Well, in the video below a chicken learns the true nature of Dobies…

38 thoughts on “Chicken learns the true nature of the Doberman Pinscher…

  1. Both our dobies are rescues….who knows what their life was like before we got them. But they are still family and we love them regardless of their “bloodline”.

  2. Why am nut, because am asking for the real instance for a great guard and protection breed! And there is a different between “pure breed” and “well breed”, for me I would like for my Doobies at least to be following the standard of the breed. This breed of dogs originally created for protection and guarding, great working breed, don’t kill it like this. And if i wanted a dog that is gonna waggle his tail around his food or home, I’ll get a Golden retrieve or something.

  3. I certainly hope you do not presently, or ever, own a Doberman as you simply have no clue of their properly bred/trained temperament. Your “standard” is more fighting PitBull……..
    Food aggression should not be tolerated and is easily eliminated with simple training.

  4. It’s guarding breed, you should expect or demand that, but towards other people and animals, not the owner! And believe me i have a clue about what am talking about! And BIG NO for PITBULLS FIGHTING.

  5. Not necessarily a “trashy” bloodline. My last Dobie was impeccably bred from excellent bloodlines, but was not food aggressive with any of my other animals – small dogs & cats. He was actually very protective of them!

  6. If that Dobe pup was raised with those Chickens who he has observed his masters caring for, they are a Family asset to be protected as the Dobe breed only wants to please his master.

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