Chatty Dachshund Talks With Mom On Her Birthday. It’s The Funniest Conversation Ever!

Many studies today show that just like their human owners, dogs like to talk. Dogs really are trying to communicate with us — regardless of our ability to understand.

Here's a perfect illustration of this. Lilly, the adorable chatterbug dachshund is caught on tape chatting away with her mom on her birthday.

She answers all the questions Mommy asks her and seems to be very opinionated and shows her displeasure at not having a big birthday party!

Here she is lying upside down on the bed for her birthday chat with her mommy.

dachshund on the bed

This is the funniest conversation between a dachshund and her mom you’ve ever heard! Lilly agrees with her mom that she is five years old today.

Check out the hilarious video on the next page!

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155 thoughts on “Chatty Dachshund Talks With Mom On Her Birthday. It’s The Funniest Conversation Ever!

  1. This makes me miss Daisy so much! So adorable! Ryan & Stacey have a dashie too and we can hear Slinky “talking” as we approach their front walkway for a visit! He knows it’s us and we’re bringing his play date, Chloe!

  2. Dash Hounds love to lay on their back because they have an extra long spine due to their long body and short stature try to keep you’re dog from jumping up long distance it’s not good for their back to jump up all the time dash hound usually develop back problems as they get older so keep that in mind we love our Dash Hounds

  3. My dashound will always jump on the couch they are little Daredevils because they are bred 4 borrowing into small holes in the wilderness that’s why the front chest is so big and their bark so loud my dog used to be overweight until we would bring him to the mountains for a week his natural instinct what’s 2 go into groundhog holes that’s what they do and my dog would get stuck due to his overweight and we would have to dig him out so people keep your dog trim and not overweight because they do have a small stature and a long spine my dog had to get an operation and a disc removed his legs was paralyzed for a few months and we had to walk him to the bathroom holding his hind legs until the third month he was starting to wobble and walk he made a full recovery if you don’t want to go through this keep your dog trim feeding healthy foods and keep him active like any other dog they are used to routine and with no routine they will lay around and get fat so remember they have an extra long spine for a small dog take care love are dashie’s

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