“We taught our dog how to play keyboard, how to change traffic lights and how to swing a baby crib, but we never had to teach him how to love our daughter.”
Charlie the Beagle was introduced to baby Laura the moment she came home. His family has taught him how to help change her diapers, swing her baby crib, changes the traffic lights when they cross the street and play gently with her.
But the one thing they never had to teach him is how to love their daughter. The sweet dog brings a smile to her face every day! Now they are best friends.
I have no word…this is really love. This baby is so lucky to have Charlie as friend!
Check out the heartwarming video on the next page!
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Kim Shoffner
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Sooo sweet!!
Laurie Jonesazaria
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What a wonderful play mate for your daughter. Smart dog, you are blessed.
Britta Nielsen
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Deb Mallow
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That is a bond for life! So beautiful.
Sheri Sullivan Daugherty
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Love and a little dog spit, mighty nice!
Kathy Lewis
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Very sweet.
Pamela Mcdonald-lindsay
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Cheryl Gorrell Kolley
Alessandro Bruno
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Gaia Mammato
Rose Berllaque
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Beautiful friendship
Cathy McCullough
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What a good boy you are Charlie!
Loulou Perreault
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Beagle are great dog , had one a long time ago, miss her still.
Frank Williford
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That’s very special !! That breed has always been known to be smart and loving !!I love that clip !!!!
Florence Thériault
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Jeremy La must watch!!! I love doggos
Pat Pierce
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Carol Springett
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That is beautiful, they are such loving dogs
Heidi Haslam
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i think the dog is very interested. that is so cute.
Rosalea Isaacs
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A good helper.
Sidyl Deschrijver
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Kendra Williams
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Mark Weiford
Virve Kann Lockie
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Priceless video. Hope you have it insured and keep it in a safety deposit box at the bank.
Cathy Pullum
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Delores Johnson
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So darn cute. Smart dog !
Luella Ponte
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So cute. She has a friend for life. Dogs are wonderful love my dog
Carole Embley
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Now teach the dog to change a diaper! Such a precious video.
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Wow…so heartwarming, he is certainly a member of this family, her brother..
Aspen Mayes
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How sweet
Lorna Stewart
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How lovely – “Now what shall we read today?”
Bentley James Black
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Becky Bolesta
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Jessica Zamora
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Anthony Zamora
Anthony Zamora
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Fayne Korb
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Awesome Dog !!
Rose Price
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Very special! Best Friends. xx
Dawn Gilmartin
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Great job
Connie Kimura
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I love beagle
Marie Fechter Tweten
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So sweet
Yvonne Wong
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Animals are so amazing
Jeanie Hill Simmons
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Very sweet. Just love beagles.
Judy Henley
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Dogs can love you deeply, please don’t break their hearts!
Sydney Acura
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Gre8 video, gr8 n luving n gentle pup, cute baby! Thanxs 4 sharing!
Sheri Schongold
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What a lovely dog.
Marie Therese Duroisin
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Leslie Taulbee
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Very smart dog
Greg Calhoun
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So heartwarming!
Lois Moore
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Love Charlie sharing his rawhide! LOL
Nancy Bowen Rattigan
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That is just so sweet. Every dog I ever owned loved the kids that were here.And, you’ll notice that this dog is a male! I have never understood the logic of re-homing a dog just because you had a baby.
Joe Knuth
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Good job Charlie. Dogs who been loved will return it ten times over.
Carol Ruby
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He loves that baby….so sweet….
Barry Hibberd
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What an awesome dog
Maggie Archambault
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